Paton Civil Ltd are the official suppliers and applicators of Rainstorm Dustmag, providing a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution for dust control. Here are examples of where we have been applying Dustmag:
We use Dustmag on our own sites for effective dust control, providing cleaner air for our health, our environment, and a sustainable solution, saving our precious water.
The major impact dust has to people’s health and contribution to global warming are now well known. Construction companies generate a lot of dust, so we wanted to find a sustainable and more effective way for our projects. We now supply and apply Dustmag for a positive solution and stop the water wastage.
Paton Civil wanted an approach to nuisance dust within our construction industry that was sustainable with how to suppress it, and a proactive strategy by using a modernised and sustainable way that replaced the overuse of water, especially with the shortages during drier seasons when we all should be careful, not just residents. Water’s effectiveness overall is poor at preventing dust escaping into the atmosphere compared to Dustmag.
Dustmag provides over 90% dust reduction for months and water a mere 25-50% needing to be applied again in 2-12 hours. This is far from a solution to protect the air we breathe, nor a sustainable option for our environment, especially with what we know now.
We are proud as a business to do our part and use Dustmag to give far superior protection to the health of our staff, residents and businesses in the vicinity by effectively reducing dust generated on our sites.
The negative environmental impacts dust also has on climate change, we now use a method in our industry that best reduces our global footprint for our future generations, in the best possible way available.
Paton Civil Ltd provides a complete service. We supply and are the official applicators for Rainstorm Dustmag in New Zealand.
As a company we have been using Dustmag on our own various construction projects and also applying for other companies for several years now.
We have an experienced team of staff and have the appropriate equipment and knowledge for the very best results and we pride ourselves on this service.
Although a water cart is used for application, a water cart that apples water and a water cart that applies Dustmag Dust Suppressant are very different. Our water cart has been equiped with a specifically designed spray attachment that is controlled to gently release a fine spray and accurately administer Dustmag onto the desired surface.
This in turn allows Dustmag to be gently and throughly absorbed and also to prevent any runoff occurring (unlike water cart dust control systems that spray water out heavily and everywhere).
We know Dustmag is environmentally safe and non hazardous, but we want Dustmag to be absorbed slowly and throughly so it penetrates dry ground and also to prevent any run off as this is not only a waste of product but as a business we want to provide a neat, and accurate professional application service.